Before you ask. Yes. This video is for you.
Even if you don’t have a cycle or have never had one. Even if you don’t identify as a woman or a man. This is NOT about gender. It is about reconnecting with an ancient, simple (yet incredibly overlooked) wisdom.
(scroll all the way down before you click on the video. Instructions below)
Cycles Video Southern Hemisphere.
Cycles Video in Portuguese. Sabedoria dos Ciclos em Português
Cycles Video Northern Hemisphere.
This video is especially for you if you have daughters, or women in your life that you would like to understand better, or if you have had a cycle and have never learned to enjoy it. This is especially for you if our current modern-day culture feels out of whack and you’d like to feel more connected…to life. It is also for you if you’d like to support future generations but are unsure of what you could do.
Ok, let’s be honest. Transforming Culture is NOT a small task. But we won’t let this detail put us off. We’ve got a plan and YOU are a vital part of it.
It goes like this:
Step 1 - Watch the video. (choose according to where you are from: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, or in Portuguese)
Step 2 - Share it! If the video touches you in any way, please help us spread the word. There is no Lab without YOU.
Step 3 - Invite conversation with friends, parents, educators, your community, your family, etc. Be creative! Use this video as a conversation starter. Let’s shake things up We are here to back you up! This is super important. It is WHERE rubber meets the road.
Step 4 - Track it. If you have a cycle start tracking it. It’s simple. The first day of bleeding is day 1. Not the first day of spotting. The first day of flow. After that just keep adding days. Day 2, 3, 4, etc. Till you bleed again. When you do this for 6 months you will start noticing patterns and what you have learned here will take form and will, over time, become embodied wisdom.
Step 5 - Share your insights here at the Lab. Help us help you and your community by sharing your thoughts, doubts, questions, ideas, etc…
Step 6 - If you feel inspired to help us change culture, consider becoming a paid subscriber and engage further with this emerging community. The Lab is the juice of this virtual space and where we will be working together to co-create a new culture.
Step 7 - Invite your friends to also join us at the C Lab and let’s help bring this wisdom to your local networks.
So, speaking as a guy, I hope this is relevant. Your video inspired a number of reflections on my experience of many different cycles in my life
From 1974 to 1984, I practiced meditation with a teacher who encouraged us to sit at sunrise and sunset. We kept 5 AM throughout the year, but we changed our 2nd meditation time all through the year, from the earliest sittings in the winter to the latest in the summer. It gave me a sense of the cycle of morning through night, the cycle of the sun, moon and stars, which I never had before. Our teacher also brought in Ayurvedic knowledge and wisdom, which gave a far deeper sense of how food, moods, various kinds of activities and even the depth of the deepest awareness related to the cycles of the day
I never knew the Catholic Church had yearly cycles until I was choir director (through the 1980s) at a Spanish Catholic Church. I was astonished to see how it shaped one’s sense of flow, of undulating through different phases of devotion and self giving.
When I read Satprem’s “Adventure of Consciousness,” a biography of Sri Aurobindo that I came across in 1976, somewhere around the 3rd page of the 5th chapter, I “knew” this represented a project I had been working on in India in the 1930s and 1940s (having been “born” as “Don” in 1952). There was a powerful sense of freedom and liberation, as prior to that there was a sense of pressure at having to get something done, yet knowing that I had been working on this integral psychology over a cycle of lifetimes suddenly released the sense of a separate me with “My” project.
I have had a sense since my early teens of the world going through a shift at least as great as that of the Axial age of 2500 years ago, and possibly even one as great or greater than the shift into Homo sapiens 250,000 years ago. I have never known how it might be possible to express this to someone who has not felt it, but I’ve also seen over 50 years that an astonishing, exponential increase in awareness of this shift has occurred.
I’d love to hear how you (and others) apply this recognition of these wonderful, juicy, delicious, grounded, overlapping cycles can inspire radical positive change in the world.