Apr 5Liked by Adriana Forte

I like the reminder of what I had an inkling to.

I described the right of passage to my youngest, her 16th birthday was last week, so it was an apology of sorts.

This then also allowed the menopause topic to generate some questions of what we are subjected to as a family.

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There was a little surprise involved when I described some details that wouldn’t normally be discussed, at least it wasn’t in my own growing up and knowing it was an out of territory discussion.

But my experience has been years of experience in art school, predominantly female because of the ‘giving up’ of parents who don’t know what to do with their daughters, but then art is ‘because I know what is needed’ to embrace change with beauty, understanding, meaning and social confidence.

Social confidence is not in any way extrovert, extroversion is a meme of a forcing function of another’s ego.

The should.

What was acceptance after our discussion was to be invited to sit among all my youngest daughter’s close friends around a camp fire.

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